Mediaportal schedules direct wrong time zone
Mediaportal schedules direct wrong time zone

The last option is the most expensive but offers the best TV experience available. If you are using their HDHomeRun Prime CableCARD tuners then HDHomeRun DVR could be your only option. Customers using HDHomeRun tuners should look at HDHomeRun DVR. If you’d like to stick with an option where you have complete control of storage and integration with your other media libraries then you should check out the DVR capabilities of Plex. There are so many good alternatives to Windows Media Center. EPG123 is free, but Schedules Direct requires a yearly subscription of $25. It uses guide data from Schedules Direct. The most popular option is an application called EPG123. As the notice says, you may configure an alternative listing provider. You have options if you still want to stick with Windows Media Center. It could work through the end of the month though. Microsoft hasn’t given an exact date for when guide data would cease to be updated, but the 14th seems pretty likely. We’ve been speculating that guide data could also end on that date.

mediaportal schedules direct wrong time zone

The operating system will stop receiving security updates after January 14, 2020. We’ve been recommending for the last year that anyone still using Windows 7 needs to find a new solution. Many listeners to our podcast Entertainment 2.0 are still using Windows Media Center.

mediaportal schedules direct wrong time zone

A DVR without guide data is basically useless. Windows Media Center does many things well, but DVR functionality was always the center stage feature of the application. The button in the message sends users to guide data troubleshooting guide. This week Windows Media Center users started receiving pop-up messages that in January 2020 they would no longer receive electronic program guide data from Microsoft.

mediaportal schedules direct wrong time zone

Unsurprisingly, a Windows Media Center guide data issue is to blame. There have been oh so many hints at the platform’s demise, but now Microsoft is making it official.

mediaportal schedules direct wrong time zone

We’ve been fans of Windows Media Center for as long as The DMZ has existed, but it is an application that has barely been hanging on since Microsoft decided not to include it in Windows 10.

Mediaportal schedules direct wrong time zone